Sunday, August 28, 2016

El Artículo de la Cultura: ¡Carmelo Anthony es boricua! (Culture Article: Carmelo Anthony is Puerto Rican!)

¡Hola, familia! (Hello, family!)

Many people are familiar with NBA basketball star Carmelo Anthony.  They know he plays for the New York Knicks.  They know he grew up in the Baltimore, MD area.  They know he led the US Olympic Men's Basketball to three straight gold medals...but did you also know he is Latino?

Check out this article from the One Nación blog from

The world should know that Carmelo Anthony is also Afro-Latino and Puerto Rican

Carmelo has spent a lot of time investing in Latino interests, especially in the Caribbean.  Watch the following video of Carmelo talking about his efforts in Puerto Rico:

On a lighter note, here's a parody of Carmelo in action, demonstrated by the NBA impersonator, Brandon "B-Dot" Armstrong:

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