Saturday, September 10, 2016

Los saludos, las despididas, y la cortesía (Salutations, Farewells, and Courtesy)

¡Hola familia!

5th and 6th graders now have their own Spanish names!  There were some very creative names this year.  Please check the Assignments section of Schoolmax for your student's name.  

Daily attendance will be called by Spanish names, and we will soon start having conversaciónes, such as introducing ourselves AND introducting other people.  Please help your student memorize their name...I mean, a person should know their own name, right?

In all classes, we discussed how the attacks on 9/11 affected the Latino community.  The students learned that people from several Latin countries such as the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico lost their lives that day.  Below is a short video with Univision reporter Maria Elena Salinas remembering that day, and discussing how 9/11 has affected the Latino community in America: 

Maria Elena Salinas on how 9/11 affected the Latino community

This coming week, we will learn numbers, date and time.

¡Hasta pronto!

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